Tuesday, September 26, 2017

OKC - Week 17 Faith

Last night was so Amazing!!!! When Sister K and I were inspired to organize this Fireside, 6 weeks ago, we started planning and going all out, completely relying on the Spirit to guide our thoughts and ideas. When Sister Burley came in she immediately jumped on board, and more ideas kept coming. It is truly incredible when you give your whole will to the Lord, and he helps you create something Amazing! This Fireside was inspired! 

Love this Kiwi Mom of mine! Sure going to miss her.
(Thank you Sister Mansell for the picture)
Over the last 6 weeks we prepped and got the word out for this event. The purpose was to get members to invite their friends or family that are not of our faith, and allow them to feel the Spirit. The center focus of the music and talks was "Becoming a Disciple of Jesus Christ."  You could definitely feel the spirit of our savior in that room last night. 

We had to walk in with so much faith that people would be there and members would bring their friends. That faith was so much!! 

Sister Walker & Sister Burley at Women's Conference
Love getting these texts!
Thanks Angela Hopkins, Edmond 1st Ward
All of the pews were filled, and the overflow! It was an incredible turn out! I have to remember though that however many people came, those people that came felt the same spirit in that room, and even if it was just one person who joins the church from it. That one soul is great in the sight of God. There were members that brought friends! Even from other wards! There were so many seeds planted, and even though we can't see too many results from it right now, I have so much faith that we are going to see so many miracles later! I have so much faith!! The Speakers were amazing, and the music brought tears to eyes. There were a lot of children that sang, and it was just a reminder that children are the closest examples to perfect examples of Christ. They sang "I Am Trying to Be Like Jesus" and I can't even describe the feelings I and so many felt. 

Anyways this was THE Highlight of the Week! And it was Such a Miracle!! My challenge to you is to Listen to the Spirit and have Faith!

Sister Walker

(another text, Thank you Jessica Jeppson!
 Their nails look great!)

Monday, September 18, 2017

OKC - Week 16 You have to be Ready!

Hello from OKC!! 

Gonna miss this trainer of mine!
This week has been full of mixed emotions! Sister K went back to Australia this week:( It was bitter sweet for her, but she is going to do amazing things back home, and change lives! I will miss my trainer for sure! She taught me so much, and I will never forget my kiwi mom from the Land down under! 

Sister Burley is my New Companion! And she is so Amazing!! I am excited for this next transfer with her!! Its going to be a Party!!!

The Missionary fireside is coming up this Sunday!! I can't believe its already here!! We are so excited and so are the members!! We have so many that have said they are bringing friends! We have faith that this is going to change this area so much! Even if its a gradual process, it will bring about so many Miracles!! I can't wait to tell you all about it next week!! 

My new Comp! Sister Burley!!
From Arizona, not Burley, Idaho🙃
This is going to be short and sweet this week, but I want to share a quick miracle that happened yesterday.
One of the members dropped us off from dinner, at our apartment, and as we started to head inside one of our neighbors we said hi to, stopped us. She said "Hey I see you girls everywhere! where do you work?" Well we told her that we were missionaries, and that our full time "job" was to share the Gospel all day, everyday. She thought that was so cool! She then asked us a few questions about the church, and we testified of the Book of Mormon, and how it is a companionship to the Bible. Her interest kept growing...and then we asked if we could give her one. She accepted and also an invite to the fireside! The non-coincidence about this is that she had been sitting in her car for 10 min finishing her ice cream from Braums, and right as the sister dropped us off she got out of her car. I would say Perfect Timing! We are hoping to talk to her about the Book of Mormon over ice cream or something in the future! 

You never know who the Lord will put in your path, but you have to be ready! 

Sister Burley, Jordan, Sister Walker
Jordan & Sister Walker look like sisters
(even members in their ward got them mixed up)
Your challenge this week is to study the Book of Mormon every day, and then write down a truth or principle that can be learned, in your Journal. Then I want you to look for opportunities to use that principle in your day. The Book of Mormon is there for us to learn and grow. Maybe you will even get a missionary opportunity to share what you learned with someone. Keep your eyes, ears, and hearts open for these opportunities! 

I Love you all!! Have a Spectacular and Miraculous week!! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!! 

Sister Walker 

Monday, September 11, 2017

OKC - Week 15 Transfer Week

Hello From OKC!!

Man this week has been Awesome and so Crazy!! 

Don't STOP Believing!
First off I would like to say how much I love you all and all of your prayers! They really do make a difference here in Oklahoma! 

There has been non-stop talking about all the Natural disasters happening, and It has been horrible to hear some of the stories from other members:( But I just remember that we still have a loving Heavenly Father watching out for us every day. He Loves us so much, and I guarantee He struggles to see His children suffer during this crazy time. But He also had to see his Beloved Son suffer. Never forget that in all of our trials, whether from the disasters or personal, the Lord looks over us and will help us overcome all. The Savior felt so much pain in the Garden, and he has felt yours. Remember we are not alone. Even when bad things happen, the Lord still loves us and provided a way for us to have peace in our lives. It won't be easy, but so possible:) 

We pulled over just to take
this picture.
This week is going to be quite the change for OKC 7th! We got "Transfer Doc" Saturday (fancy way of saying transfers), and I am staying here! But loosing Sister K:( She goes home this week! I will miss her so much, and will never forget all the amazing things she has taught me. I am a better missionary because of her! She is The Greatest Kiwi Mom I could ask for!! 

I am getting a new Comp though! Sister Burley is her name, and I can't wait to meet her in person on Wednesday

We have been going crazy on member visits this week, and getting the news of the Fireside out!  There is so much excitement for this coming up on the 24th!! It is going to be life changing for so many, and especially this area!! 

We have had a few investigators this week, and all are doing great! We are working on commitments, and pray everyday they keep them! They are key in coming closer to their Savior.

We got matching OK t-shirts
 from a member!!
How did last weeks challenge go???? How did you remember the Savior in all you did this week? 
I love hearing about all your miracles!! 

I'm so proud of this Tan!!  haha
This weeks Challenge is, How can you show someone you love them? We can say it, but I challenge you to show them:) Just like how we show the Savior we love him by repenting and using his Atonement. 

Well I Love you all, and Have a Spectacular Week!!!   Sister Walker

We Love you Sister Gardiner!!
Lunch with Sister Waltman.
(Mom says thanks for the text😊)


Sunday Evening with the Waltman Family
Sister Karauria, Emma Waltman, Sister Walker

                                                             P-day at the Science Museum!

Uh, sir, we are taking a picture, haha. #Photobomb

Love this picture!
We fit in a little tiny space for this picture.
Not meant for adults:)

First time on a Segway!! Totally didn't need help ;D

She looks so curious in this picture! (Sister Nicoll)

Monday, September 4, 2017

OKC Week 14 - Never Doubt Inspiration!

Hey Y'all!!!!
You're a great trainer Sister Karauria!!!
Ok so I just wanted to share with you some amazing Miracles that have happened in the last week! First, remember that lady at McDonald's who wanted to come to church just from a pass along card?? Well we met her again at her place, and we shared about the restoration and how she can find peace from the Book of Mormon. She also wants to know how she can go to the temple! We were not expecting the lesson to go in this direction so quickly. Well we explained to her about baptism, and she is still trying to grasp why she needs to be baptized again, but we are hopeful the spirit will help her understand. We are excited to meet with her later in the week!! 
Greenie Graduation
(at the end of the missionaries first 3 months, they teach
all the lessons to President & Sister Mansell, the assistants
and other missionaries)
Sarah teaching solo to become a Master Teacher
(Thank you Sister Mansell for posting the pictures!)
Back with the MTC district.
Also the Coolest Miracle. Sister K and I have been praying to find that one person or family that has been prepared. Well We found them!! We were walking one night in a Piedmont neighborhood and we passed by this man vacuuming out his car. We hesitated to talk to him cause the vacuum was going but we went anyways. We started casually talking to him about his day, and he and his fiance had just returned from seeing the Eclipse in Kansas. The conversation was pretty quick, and we started to leave feeling like we totally missed an opportunity to share the gospel, when I felt this strong impression to "Turn Around and set an appointment with him!" I was like, ok we need to turn around. (no second thoughts! :D) He told us that we could totally come back and teach him and his Fiance! Well the appointment was that next Saturday and when you get an appointment off the street you never know what to expect when you follow up. Well, we had faith and they were literally waiting for us to get there!! We went in super pumped and taught about the restoration and Book of Mormon. They turned to each other when we asked them if they would read it, and said "we really should read that book!" So us totally "frazzled in heaven" missionaries realized they forgot to put Book of Mormons in their bags! Haha! We were so grateful for technology in that moment! They both downloaded the Gospel library app and said they would read! When we came back to teach Jordan (his Fiance) we asked her if she had read and she did! And 3 chapters after that!! She explained the peace she felt when she read about the Savior visiting the Americas. We testified that God knew and loved her so much. She told us that it brought her the most peace. That lesson went awesome and she agreed to come to church the next Sunday! Yesterday she came to church! And she said that she loved it! She described it as a good different, and that she wanted to come back! We are so grateful for her, and can't wait to keep teaching them!! 

I'm no longer a Greenie!!! #Greeniegrad
Also, about 3 weeks ago Sister K and I got home and were feeling really motivated to get the members in our ward to do missionary work. So we began to pray for guidance from the Lord. Well, He inspired us to do a "Missionary Fireside" where members can invite their friends to come to a music and testimony meeting about becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ.  In 30 minutes we had it all planned out on a white board, and the next day we got our Bishop pumped for it!  September 24th is the day, and this is a miracle because alot of the members are so excited! We are doing alot of visits this week, and are telling everyone that the Lord has people prepared to be taught the gospel. And not just for us missionaries! 
Miracles happen when you put the Lord first, and he will guide you to the best solutions imaginable! 

Your Challenge this week is to do something to allow yourself to remember your Father in Heaven and your Savior in all that you do. It can be a picture in your car, a message on your mirror, or anything to help you see He will guide you in all that you do. He loves you and wants to bless you. Just turn to him:) 
"I found these awesome sister missionaries
at the Science Museum."
(This is a text message Mom got today!
I sure do love getting these texts!)

Have a marvelous week, and I can't wait to hear of all the miracles you see from this next week!!
Burning branches for service! Hope this was allowed😁
Love you all!!!

Sister Walker


Week 81 - "Never a Goodbye, Just a See ya Later"

Hey Y'all  See ya soon IdaHOME!!! I don't think it has hit me yet that I've been on a mission for 18 months. It's ev...