Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Week 56 - An Awesome Week!

Hey Y'all!!

Ready to hear about an awesome week!!

Sisters in Zion
(Sisters Cronin, Lewis, Walker, & Sampson)
First this last Tuesday we went to GIRLS CAMP with the Bartlesville sisters!!!!! We were there for 5 hours doing a missionary relay, Q&A, and musical number for each age group. It was a blast and there are a few girls who want to serve missions one day!! The Spirit we felt at this camp was incredible. It took us all back to our Girl's Camp days:) These Young Women are beautiful special Daughters of God, and it was so awesome spending the day with them:) Breanna (recent Convert) even came and loved it!!! She definitely needed to feel that Spirit she doesn't feel at home:)
I don't have much time today but this week was awesome!!! We saw many miracles!

We are going back tomorrow to teach an Athiest. This heart is going to accept this gospel just watch:) 

We taught the plan of Salvation to a Deaf sister who can't speak. we communicated with a white board and It was very powerful when we told her that when she is resurrected she will be able to speak and hear again. The Spirit was so strong. She smiled from ear to ear and gave us a thumbs up:)

We are teaching a few new people, and they are all amazing! I am excited to tell yall about them next week! 
JJ & Terry - our favorite young men!

Sister Sampson is at her last week mark. She has mixed feelings about this. Excited but really sad she is leaving! I will be sad too!! I love her and Pawhuska loves her too. She will be missed!

Your challenge is to stand out and be different this week. Be the person that everyone can see something is  different about you:)(in a good way). Do something that is not of the world or the norm. We gave this challenge to a YW in our branch, and she had some fun ideas to do this week. 

I Love you all, and have a great week!!!

Sister Walker
That little piece of meat in the bottom right
hand corner is Rattlesnake ya'll...
Yes, its gross...πŸ˜…
It is so cool how a pearl is formed, layer by layer it is formed
in this shell, and one day it becomes a beautiful gem.
How does this apply to our lives?

This is the tree that fell last transfer
 in the tornado. My companion
was in heaven!
I'm in Hawaii!  I am in love with these trees!
On our way to Tulsa!

I never expected to come to OK and see tarantulas!

So we get to Owasso to stay with the sisters and they are frantically trying to find their apartment keys.
We can't find them so we say a prayer and ask the Elders (who happen to have a lock picking kitπŸ˜‚ of course they do!)
to come pick the lock. Well it didn't work because they are smart locks, so...after all of that its 10:30pm and a storm is coming so we call their bishop.  They had just become empty nesters 2 days prior, and so they took us in for the night.  They were so awesome!! We all slept well and were ready for the mission tour the next day! Even though we didn't get into the apartment, the Lord answered our prayers and provided a safe place for us to stay.
Count your many blessings whatever they may be:)

 GIRLS CAMP with the Bartlesville Stake Young Women
The Missionary Biking Relay!! yes they got to wear skirts:D

Just cooling off in the giant freezeπŸ‘

Sister Sampson, Walker and Sister Castoe!!!

Sister Missionaries and Sister Castoe
Sisters in Zion

You know you'll have a great day when its with these
Incredible Young Women!!!!

Elder & Sister Titmus
Thank you for all the fun pictures!

Friday, June 22, 2018

Week 55 - Fastest Week of Our Lives!

Hello Hello!!! 

So this week was the fastest week of our lives!! Probably because it was full of everything!! It started out with Multi Zone P-day. About 3 zones went to Tulsa to spend time with President and Sister Mansell. It was a straight party! It was so good to see everyone!! Including Sister Kresge one of my comps in Noble. I love her!! It was at this park in Tulsa, and we played every sport imaginable, spike ball, tennis, volley ball, kickball, basketball, baseball, etc. It was a blast, but so so hot and humid. We think that day it was a good 95% humidity! plus 98 degrees. Not sure about those numbers exactly, but it was hot that's all we know
πŸ˜… Our mission president and his family play tennis, so he encouraged us to try it out. It was fun! But luckily I didn't go up against him. He's crazy competitive, and good!!! 
My Soul Sister!
Sisters Lewis & Walker

So the next day we went to Bartlesville for exchanges! I got to split the area with Sister Lewis! My soul sister! I love her. We went to a place called Mary Martha's, a food Pantry in town. It is so amazing that they have programs and resources for those who can't afford much. Their faces just lit up when they got their food. Its truly humbling to be around these children of God:) 

So we were able to take a young man waiting to go on his mission come out with us and his younger brother. We weren't having much success at first getting people to answer their door but then we saw a miracle. We saw this lady sitting on her front porch. We started talking with her and she opened up quite a bit to us about how she has been pretty lonely without her husband, and that her cousin just passed on the same day she lost her dog. It was so sad:( But then she started studying this young man. She said that he reminded her of an elder 4 years ago that was teaching her and her husband. She said they had the same smile, and this just made her day! That was the ultimate tender mercy, and miracle that he came out with us. She said that missionaries could come back and teach her more! It was so cool!!

Splits with the young men in Bartlesville!!
On this exchange I was able to see this amazing Sister missionary (Sister Lewis) in action. She is absolutely incredible when it comes to meeting new people. She has a gift to just listen and really care about them in that moment she meets them. She makes them feel like a million bucks! She is amazing at identifying what they need and meeting that need with the message us missionaries share. She is such a n example to me of this, and I want to be better because of it:) 

So we had a few days back in Pawhuska and we just saw so many people! It was an awesome few days to see miracles, and teach Marelyn, and some new people we are teaching. Also Marelyn came to church sunday and loved it!! The Sisters there were amazing at fellow shipping her, and making her feel so welcome! 

Then Friday came...MISSION TOUR!!!

Love seeing Aubrey oops -Hermana Pulsipher
at  Zone conferences!
We had the opportunity to hear from a general authority of the church, Elder Pearson. He and his wife came to speak to our mission, and gave an amazing training!! The theme of the whole conference was changing to become more of a disciple of Christ. President and Sister Mansell talked about having no regrets and being more converted by the end of this 2 years or 18 months. Then Elder and Sister Pearson talked about the specifics of changing and having no regrets. how do we get there? There is so much I want to talk about in this letter, but I will just give you the thing that stood out to me the most. He made a chart that showed where we need to be in our attitude and effort in the work. He asked us where we were on the chart. Then he drew some barriers that eventually made their way to faith. He told us that we need to break down those wall or barriers to accomplish all the lord wants us to on our mission. The goal is to have a strong faith in the Lord in all things. Then he got super bold with us. He said "Stop focusing on the fact that life is hard, Just go out and do it!" there was so much he encouraged us to do in a very direct way. I realized a few days later that I didn't need to overwhelm myself with the council, but pick the 3 biggest things I could work on and apply them, then once I accomplish them, pick 3 more things. We are constantly changing, and my mission president helped me see this. 

Your Challenge this week!!
To pick 3 things you want to do to help you become a better disciple of Christ. Pray about it, and seek revelation from the Lord for what he wants you to do. 

I Love you all, and hope you have such a great week!!!

Love, Sister Walker
This place is right by our house!
but over the swinging bridge😁

When you forget you have sandals on
when you walk out the door.

We woke up to a huge thunder storm at 4am.
 This is a normal picture for Oklahoma.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Week 54 - Crazy, Amazing things happen'n Pawhuska!

ALOHA All Ya'll Awesome People!!!!

Crazy, Amazing things are happening here in Pawhuska!!!!!

First of all, our new investigator Marilyn is doing amazing!!!! We went to visit her the other day and teach her about the Restoration of the church. We talked about the importance of proper authority, and how the Prophet, Russel M. Nelson holds that, as well as many other worthy men in the church. She loved that the priesthood is God's power, and that it is here on the earth today! That was quite the exciting lesson! Just wish us luck cause she is a visual person, and she wants us to explain where the authority and line came from in the priesthood! We are making a chart🀘We love this Sister so much!! 
Sister Sampson is about to hit her 18 months, and she has been getting ready for normal life again. She has to do college applications, so we've been at the church a few times a week applying and getting ready. She is going to be an amazing influence to her family. They are going to change because of her sweet and pure heart. The power in her testimony is going to change just as many and more at home as it has on her mission! I love her!!
So, we have been doing the Addiction Recovery Program (ARP) every Thursday with our investigator. He is changing, and the dedication he has put into the program is unreal! he is so great! He is in our prayer right now because he has to go through a few court trials. Today is one of them. All will turn out good because he has the Lord on his side. He is an amazing son of God, and the plan God has for him is remarkable. Its truly amazing to see the Atonement work in many lives out here. We have the best front row seat to this, as Brad Wilcox would say:)

Stormy!!! w/ Sister Walker & Sampson
This is in place of the baptism picture
we forgot to take:)
So this week we went to a Native Osage Ceremony with some new member in our branch. I called it a Powwow, and was corrected pretty quick...haha yeah this one was different. But oh my goodness it was so cool to see the traditional dances and hear the drums and singing. It is so fascinating! 
And I even got to go dance!! Sister Sampson was so excited because she hasn't danced in a while, so she pulled me in with her! I sadly have no pictures because you can't take pictures at these ceremonies, but I promise you it was AWESOME! 

We had stake conference this past Sunday, and the message was on "Lord I Would Follow Thee", and the Adult session was on Ministering. Each testimony and talk was powerful, and you could feel the spirit strong in the room. It was interesting because they kept bringing up President Nelson's Challenge for the Youth. They Challenged the whole stake to participate in this. 

To review...
"Now, let me summarize by reviewing my five invitations for you to enlist in the Lord’s youth battalion to help gather Israel"
  1. Hold a seven-day fast from social media.
  2. Make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord for three weeks.
  3. Keep on the covenant path. If you are off, repent and get back on the path. 
  4. Pray daily that all of God’s children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  5. Stand out. Be different. Be a light. Give to a friend one copy of the booklet For the Strength of Youth.
So this is your challenge, if you haven't already participated in this call from our Prophet, then participate in the Prophet's challenge to the youth. This will not only help hasten the Lord's work upon the earth, but help you come even closer to the Savior than you already are.

For those of you who don't understand what staying on the "Covenant Path" is I know that there are some incredible missionaries in your area that can explain thisπŸ˜„
These things can apply to anyone, and my companion and I will be doing the same thing this week! 
Have such a great week!!!!

Love, Sister Walker

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Week 53 - Trials, Flat Tires & Miracles

HELLO from Pawhuska!!

We met some super awesome people this week! We have been struggling to get the people we are teaching to church, so that is our goal this transfer. Church is so vital, and important to gain a testimony of the Gospel. It's part of CPR! The coolest analogy ever! Church, Pray, Read. Each one is essential to strengthen your testimony, and keep holding fast to the iron rod (Word of the Lord).  

We ran into a couple the other day, Rex and Linda. It was pretty funny cause we started talking to Rex and he clearly had met missionaries before cause he said "hey I'll go tell my wife you're here!" UH SWEET! 
So we went to sit on their porch and when she came out and the conversation went something like this, "sorry we are not interested. Have a nice day" rex said "wait a minute these are the Mormons!" 
"Oh the Mormons?! I thought you were watch tower!" πŸ˜… you should've seen our faces, We were so confused! 
We found out she is a member but hasn't been to church in a long time. They just moved here and didn't know there was a church in town. We are so excited to see them there next week!! 

We also went to go see a potential we met 3 weeks ago. We invited her to church then, but she never came:( although never give up hope because there is always a reason. She has been taking care of her cousin and hasnt had time. She even bought 2 dresses for church, and said she wants to try and make it this Sunday! We are so excited!!! 

So good things are happening here! Even when there are bad or stressful days there will always be sunshine at the end☀

We had a rough day Sunday and then this morning we went to drive to the track and we were still half asleep so we didn't notice the front flat tire we had as we pulled out! πŸ™ˆ well the car was slanted and we noticed that so we pulled back in and called some member to help us get the spare from the bottom of the truck. So here is the miracle. We were waiting for the members and up walked a former missionary Sister Jensen! She just went home and came to visit. Sister Sampson got to see her old comp and her family was more than willing to help us change the tire!! This got us to Bartlesville to get a new one. Another miracle is that we weren't driving when it popped! 

Not going to lie. It was the longest day ever, but it's only horrible if you make it horrible😊 

Your Challenge this week is to turn that frown upsideown and make something negative that might happen this week into something positive. Remember to count the miracles. Also think of all the things you can learn from the bumps in the road. God will only give us trials to make us stronger:) 

I hope y'all have such a great week!!! 

Love you all!!

Sister Walker 

Week 81 - "Never a Goodbye, Just a See ya Later"

Hey Y'all  See ya soon IdaHOME!!! I don't think it has hit me yet that I've been on a mission for 18 months. It's ev...