Monday, October 23, 2017

OKC - week 20 Lots of miracles

Hey ya'll,

I hope everyone’s had a fabulous week cuz here in Oklahoma it’s been one heck of a week and it’s been amazing!  You know how you have those weeks where there are so many miracles, and you’re just doing awesome, and then you have those weeks that are crazy and awesome but they’re still good.  Well this was a week of crazy awesome miracles and absolutely no coincidences.  There is so much I could tell you.  First of all, the weather here has been insane. One day it will be really hot and then it will storm the next , then be freezing cold and then it will be 85 again, and then the next day down to 50 degrees.  This is crazier than Idaho weather!  This is insane, next thing you know we are going to have a tornado pass through!  Anyways, the things that have happened this week, literally have been no coincidence, just miracle after miracle and it definitely shows that the Lord watches out for His children and He shows that He always loves them.This last Wednesday we had exchanges and Sis. Jenkins came and Sis. Burley went to OKCU and we had so much fun.  We walked around a few neighborhoods and talked to a whole bunch of people and then went to mutual that night. It was no coincidence that Sis Jenkins is incredible at calligraphy and that is what they were teaching at mutual that night. We were able to build really good relationships with the young women and it was a lot of fun.  We had good things that day and then kinda a sad moment.  We lost one of our investigators, they dropped us (we’re not going to be teaching them) but the cool thing is, she told us that she wants to keep the Book of Mormon and is planning on still reading it.  But no worries, the Lord has been blessing us with so many other people we can possibly teach which brings us to the miracle that happened after we got dropped. One of our members called us and said she had a missionary moment!  The member said she was at a chiropractor appointment and the receptionist asked her a bunch of questions, why are we all born in sin like what the bible says.  And this member was able to explain to her that we are not born in sin but Eve’s decision led to us being able to be here and led to her being able to have children.  So why would God say that we are born in sin? It was honestly the most miraculous thing. This member was explaining this to this potential investigator and then she called us because she thought she had totally slaughtered it and asked us to come help her.   We went over the next day and taught this member the plan of salvation and helped her out with a few questions and it was so cool, because she wanted to teach someone that she barely knows.

We’re actually hoping to get in with the lady she was talking to and hopefully we are going to be able to teach her.  So we’re crossing our fingers and are praying that this lady gets in contact with this member again so that the seeds have been planted will begin to grow. We’re so excited to see that.Friday was insane like crazy like Sis Burley & I didn’t have much of an idea of what to do.  The only thing we had done was to plan a service project later in that day. We started out our day and then got a text message from the Elders and they said you need to call this lady, she doesn’t have your number and she’s in your ward.  So, we call her and she says, “we need you sisters to come over for a service project.  Are you available?”   Yea we’re available and another miracle happened because we were trying to figure out what to do and now had the opportunity to go help a family in our ward prepare a house for their uncle to move in.  We went over and didn’t really know why the member in the ward was doing this but when we got there it was the part member family that we wanted to work with so bad. It was an absolute miracle! We were trying to figure out ways that we could get in with them without making it seem awkward. So we were able to be there with them and talk with them and it was so cool. We formed a better relationship with this family and not only were we serving but we were, getting to know this sister better and hopefully will be able to teach them a little bit more and get in with their family… the Lord just provided in that moment.We had another service project that night.  That day was loaded with service. We came to realize that service is the way to go.  As missionaries we only have limited time for service but we feel, Sis Burley and I felt, like this was what the Lord was giving us so that we could find people to teach or potential people to teach.  This last service project, we had signed up to serve at a pumpkin patch.  This is a cool opportunity because a Methodist family has put together this service like center where they do a food bank, and they also do a pumpkin patch every year.  They just need volunteers to come and help them out. So we signed up and went on Friday and got to know them a little bit better. They were so kind, and we worked really hard at that pumpkin patch and got to talk to a lot of people.  We had lots of people ask about our name badges and what we were doing in Oklahoma. We got to talk to the family in charge too. They said we could come back whenever we want.  So we’re planning on going back next Saturday and we’re excited to see the outcome of this opportunity. We believe the Lord is giving us service opportunities because this is one way to show that we’re not scary missionaries, but we are kind and are willing to just help anyone, so this is such an experience and such a miracle for us.  There are absolutely no coincidences in these service opportunities, they were meant to happen.  Just a funny story about serving at this pumpkin patch. One of my Jobs at the pumpkin patch was to get all of the rotten pumpkins and throw them out. Some of these were like soup, and you couldn't exactly pick them up. It was so nasty!! So I used a shovel. Well the garbage was not too close, so I would scoop up a pumpkin and then walk over to the dumpster. I did this like 5 times and I had no idea what I looked like after this cause I would get splattered, and the pumpkins weren't that light weight haha. Everyone kept staring at me, and I thought it was just the name badge, but then sister Burley saw me and was like "are you ok?!?" Uh yeah I was fine, but I looked like I just ran 3 miles without stopping. 5 trips to the dumpster apparently got me rough! For those of you who know me, I turn red super easy. I was so red that I was more noticeable than those pumpkins! I had my hair up, and you could see my little hairs curling around my face. Haha I wish I had taken a picture of that mess! We got in the car I put my face right next to the air vent cause we had dinner, and I was not showing up looking like that! On the flip side the owners told us to "come back whenever!" we wanted to help out! We are totally doing this again even if it means me looking like a tomato again;) Today we had dinner and dinner was a little bit crazy because it was canceled and then the sister that wanted us over, posted on Facebook, “the Sisters need dinner tonight.” So one of the members of our ward called us and said they would love to have us over for dinner. We went over for dinner and got to know their family better. After dinner, we decided to around the neighborhood a little bit. It was getting a little dark but we thought we’d give it a try. There was this man and his family out playing baseball in the street.  We walked up to them and started talking and Sis. Burley pointed out, “Oh you have an accent. Where are you from?”  and he said, “Oh I’m from Seattle, Washington and Idaho.”  And I’m like “OH! What?  I’m from Idaho.  What part of Idaho?”  and he says, “Well what part of Idaho are you from?”  Me, “Meridian.”  And he’s like, “I’m from Middleton.”  So yeah.   So of course I said, “do you know the Walkers?“  Because you know a few live in Middleton, “yeah I kinda do, like I worked for a Walker.”  And I’m like, “Are you serious?” and it happened to be Larry Walker and I’m like, “Oh my gosh!” like family connections here, so we start talking and like Sis Burley finds out that his family is also from Arizona and so we’re just have these crazy connections.  They know all about the LDS church.  They know what a stake center is.  They know what a ward is.  They know what Elders do and that they serve for 2 years, and they know where the temple is in Oklahoma.  It was honestly no coincidence that we ran into them.  We didn’t schedule an appointment with them, but I told them that I would go home and email about him knowing the Walkers and that I’d get back to them.  We will go back and invite them to the ward trunk or treat.  Another crazy miracles.  Oh my goodness!  This area is doing so well right now.So the last thing that happened this week was pretty special.  So if any of you don’t know, the Oklahoma City temple is closing for 18 months to 2 years because of they are renovating it just like what they did with the Boise Temple, putting new rock on the outside and doing like a bunch of different other things. It’s a great opportunity because when it reopens there are going to be a lot of people that are going to get to go through and do the open house. We are really excited for that.  It closed last Saturday and we had a really cool experience on this day.  We got a call from a family in our ward and they said they were going to be sealed and asked if we would come. It was such a special and incredible experience because this family is so faithful to the gospel and it’s amazing we’re so excited for their choice to be sealed to each other.  Today at church we could definitely see there was a light in their eyes and they were just so happy together.  They have a little girl with disabilities, and she was a little over stimulated. A lot of the temple workers were trying to calm her down, and a little nervous to bring her in to the sealing room. But when they brought the 2 girls in the Spirit was so strong.  I can’t even describe to you the feelings that were felt.  I’ve never witnessed such a special experience and when that little girl walked in she was just taking it all in and was so calm.  You could definitely tell that she was feeling the Spirit and was having an experience. It was amazing to see them there as a family.  Two of the temple workers had to kind of help out but there were angels helping as well. There was definitely an amazing feeling in that room and I’ll never forget it.   That was one of the highlights of the week was to be there for that. They are an amazing family and I’m so grateful we’ve gotten to know them.   And so anyways I just want to say that I love you guys and appreciate all the prayers and all the thoughts and I hope you all have a wonderful week .  Your challenge for this week:  You have a lot of parties coming up.  You’ve got the Christmas parties, you’ve got the Trunk R Treats going on in your wards and you’ve got whatever party you’ve got going on, I invite you to invite a friend and tell them how much fun it’s going to be. I know that a lot of blessings will come from your invitation. Love ya’ll.

Sister Walker

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