Wednesday, November 1, 2017

OKC - 22 In the Noble Land

Hey Ya'll!! 

I am so excited to be here in Noble, OK!!!  My New companion Sister Kresge is so amazing, and I have already learned so much from her!! OKC7 will defiently always be in my heart, but I know the Lord needs me here, and I will go where He wants me to go. 

We have seen so many miracles, been on crazy adventures, and its only been a week! When you get to a new area you are like a greenie all over again, but it lasts for a week or 2  and then all is back to normal. We are right next to Oklahoma University campus, so everything, I seriously mean everything, has the word "sooner" or is red here. And everyone is a SOONER fan!! I always hesitate to say I am from Boise, Idaho because you always get the bitter, "oh...Boise huh?" haha  Everyone is so nice until that is brought up, haha;) I am taking full advantage. jk. 

We have 3 Investigators right now, and each and everyone of them are miracles. They are all so prepared and ready. This past Sunday 2 of them texted us and said that they were having a really bad week, and that church would be too much for them. The next day we got a text from one that said something to the point that Satan was doing everything in his power to keep her miserable. She was coming to church and "The Devil can't stop me!" The other sister just showed up, and said that she needed to come and feel the spirit, and both of them were touched by each class and each hour of church. The Lord truly knows what we need. We need to make sure we are listening to the Spirit, and following in the right direction. They now have a strong testimony of how church can change their hearts. Us as missionaries have seen that in their eyes, and they are glowing! 

We had one heck of an adventure. One heck of an OKIE adventure! So we went to go see one of our new investigators, and she lives in Wanette, OK. This is pretty much 45 min to the middle of nowhere. This older couple that took us are so hilarious, and we got in the car with them. The husband was driving, and I wish we had a video of that car ride! She decided to let him drive (note that it has been quite some time since he's gotten behind the wheel). As Sister Kresge and I were repetitively praying in the back, they were in the front and the wife kept saying "Dear please stay in your lane, you can't drive in the middle of the road." He says, "I know dear. I will get on my side of the road when I feel like it..." ha  We just gripped the sides of the door and knew the angels would guide the car safely to our appointment. When we got there I think Sister Kresge and I only talked 10 minutes total! This member is an Okie Talker and NEVER Stops.  We just prayed that  the things she was going off on were going right over the investigators head.  It was quite the day, but on the upside we have another appointment with the investigator:D 

Well I hope you all have a fabulous week! 

Your challenge is to pick something that is challenging for you to do. I want you to accomplish it, and set goals to do so. When we give our investigators commitments sometimes its hard for them beacause they are not used to going to church, reading the Book of Mormon everyday, and praying. We help them set goals to accomplish these things so that they can draw closer to Chirst. Just like our 2 investigators, you can see the blessings of something you do when you put in the effort. Let me know how it goes! 

I love you all!! 

Sister Walker

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