Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Week 37 - Tracting and "Drivers"

Hey Y’all,

This week has been a week of getting back up after being sick. Sis. Jenkins and I had a cold and kinda lost our voices but we’re a little bit better now. We’re able to get out now and teach and find people. All the members here and most of our investigators are finally getting better too. The flu hit Oklahoma like the plague and knocked everyone out for a week. People are still We’re excited this week that we are getting to teach lessons. We’re so grateful that we didn’t get the flu and it has definitely been a better week.

We have been doing a lot more tracting since we haven’t been able to teach a whole lot due to our investigators being sick. So we’ve been knocking doors and I’ll be 100 % honest, that’s not my favorite thing to do, but I’m pushing myself and if I do I end up loving it in the end. We see miracles when we sacrifice something we don’t like to do. One of my biggest fears in tracting is coming across a door and finding someone with a personality that we call “driver” where they just open the door and say, “Can I help you?”  Then you have to quickly answer them since you think they want an answer super fast. I just have to go back to what my MTC teacher taught us, and that’s to have more faith than fear. Faith over Fear! Is your faith higher or is your fear higher. I definitely want to work on getting my faith up because, yes, they might seem scary, but you have to just say it and if they accept it they accept it, if they don’t they don’t. And you have to go away thinking, it’s OK, next one. Gotta get the next one. So that’s something I’ve been working on and Sis. Jenkins is amazing at being so patient with that. She’s so good at it and I’ve been learning so much from her. She’s awesome!

I want to tell you how awesome and amazing our District, the Norman District, is. All the missionaries are dedicated to the work and work really hard to teach and every District Council is so productive and it goes real well. We all learn from each other and push each other. It’s just been so awesome to have supportive missionaries around you. One thing they had us do in District Council is role play knocking on a “drivers” door. We were a little hesitant at first but it actually helped us because the next day we ran into a few “drivers” and we were able to face it.  It still was hard but we faced it. I just want to say how much I love my district. They are amazing missionaries! I just love this mission so much and I’m so blessed to be in a mission like this. I think it’s so cool that you’re called to a place for a reason. Every mission out there is amazing but it’s amazing to the missionary because they connect with it so well and it’s honestly a calling from the Lord because He knows who you are and He knows what you need. So I’m grateful to be in Oklahoma.

Even though we didn’t meet any potential investigators while tracting, I have a strong testimony that tracting is like sacrifice. (Something that you don’t necessarily want to do, but for me miracles come out of that sacrifice even if they don’t come directly from tracting or knocking doors.) We got a referral the day we went tracting and it was from the Temple Square Sisters. (They are the sweetest!) They gave us a referral for Steven Graham. I guess he’s meet with missionaries before and we are going to go over there this week. He says he wants to get back into religion and get closer to God and Jesus Christ. We are so excited to go teach him!   Another miracle we saw, she’s not going to be our investigator because she doesn’t live in our boundaries, but she came to church today and it was super unexpected. Her name is Laquita.  When we talked to her during Sunday School she said her brother is investigating the Church and he and her dad encouraged her to go to church, so she decided to go this week. We called the Elders and told them about their new investigator. So miracles have definitely been seen this week. It’s been a good week.

So we are writing another song, it’s not done yet but it’s coming. It’s all about new beginnings and taking that heart of stone or maybe a not completely formed heart, that Christ has molded and shaped and made whole, making it a heart of gold. This is what Jesus Christ has been able to do for an investigator that the Sisters in OU have. We are writing the song for her as she is getting baptized this week. We are so excited for her!  We’re excited to send it to you guys when it’s done.

Music definitely touches hearts. The challenge this week relates to a brother in our ward. We didn’t know him well when we first got to Noble but through events that have happened in his life and us going over a few times to help him out, we’ve been able to get to know his strength and testimony, which is incredible. I can’t begin to tell you all that he’s gone through. He recently lost his wife and then this past Monday his trailer burned to the ground. He’s trying to overcome smoking and he’s still holding strong to the gospel and his story is pretty incredible. He had a rough life before he moved to Oklahoma and it was here that he got his life together and got baptized. His wife was a lifelong member and then he ended up joining later. But through losing his wife suddenly and unexpectedly, and having his trailer burn down, he’s still coming to church every Sunday without fail. He has such strength and faith and it’s such a testimony builder to know that you can go through the worst things in your life and still have no excuse but to come to church. He comes to church to partake of the sacrament, to come closer to Jesus Christ, who understands exactly what he’s going through. He has taught me a valuable lesson and I’m so grateful to be in a ward that is so supportive of his situation. There are a lot of people like him out there where I’m serving. It makes me humble, I am truly humbled.

Weekly CHALLENGE:  I guess your challenge for this week is kind of wide and broad but I’d like you to ponder and pray how you want to accomplish this challenge.  It’s to not let your challenges and trials get in the way of the gospel of Jesus Christ, because in all reality it is the gospel of Jesus Christ that is going to get you back up on your feet.  Jesus Christ is going to get you back up on your feet. So don’t put Him second in overcoming something. Always put Him first.  Whatever it is that you’re struggling with and even if you aren’t, put the Savior first by praying and reading the scriptures, going to church and partaking of the sacrament, and doing those things to draw closer to Him. I want to hear how it goes. I want you to know that I love you and I hope you are having a wonderful week and see wonderful miracles. Write them down! They are so fun to remember.

Love, Sister Walker

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