I guess to start off we did a lot of tracting this week and
we saw so many miracles.
The first miracle, we got some exciting news! We’ve been teaching this part member family,
Kasey and Kadence, Kasey is the mom and Kadence is the 9 year
old daughter and I think I mentioned this in my last email, Kadence had read
the full children’s version of the Book of Mormon and Kasey read all of it. We
were on exchanges when this happened, but Sister Jenkins and Sister Baker went
over there and they exclaimed they had read the whole thing. Kadence exclaimed,
“It was so awesome.” So we had a lesson with them the other day and we were
able to talk to them about commitments and making the next step. We felt
prompted that we needed to ask them to be baptized. When we did, Kadence’s face
lit up and said, “Ya, ya, that would be so cool!!!” She was so excited and Kasey agreed. It was a
crazy amazing moment. It was just so cool to know what listening to the Spirit
does because we were not planning on doing that. We were going to teach the
plan of salvation and Sister Jenkins brought it up and we both agreed we needed
to ask them to baptism. They don’t have a specific date yet but they are
praying about a date in May so we’re real excited for this family.
We have seen the Lord work through us but it has taken so
much sacrifice, determination and motivation this week. We were on fire the
beginning of this week, on Tuesday. We had a gap of 3 hours that we had nothing
to do. We were looking at potentials and all these people we could possibly go
see and we couldn’t think of any one. So we picked a street near where we were
going to have dinner that night, and we tracted three big streets and all the
houses along those major streets. We did 3 hours of tracting that day and we
would drive up, park, walk up and then walk to the next house and then drive a
little bit and then pull up, walk up, and then knock and talk to every single
person. It was kinda [hard] cause some of the houses had gates and so we just
had to do what we could. We saw so many cool miracles and met so many awesome
people. Those streets are often times
not thought of because they’re just on those “major streets” and so
missionaries in the past haven’t tracted into these houses for a really long
time. They’ve been overlooked since
they’re not in a neighborhood. So we decided we were going to cut that stereotype
and just go tract to all of those houses. We met Amanda Kiefer and Chad and we
have return appointments with them. We actually had a return appointment the
next day with Kiefer. He’s in high school and does band with a member of the
ward. We saw him through the window while he was in the kitchen and he just
looked at us and wouldn’t answer the door.
We had the member friend and his brother with us and even though he
could see us he wouldn’t answer the door. We had given him a Book of Mormon so
hopefully he read it– because that book could change his life – he’s a super
smart kid. Other than that, that day was insane and because of all of the work
we put into tracting that day, we were able to see real cool miracles in the
end. Even though we didn’t exactly get a bunch of solid return appointments or
potentials, we got some, and at the very end we went to visit a member. You
know that the Lord’s timing is absolutely perfect and as we were coming out of
the member’s apartment, this lady was getting out of her car and started
running over to us. People never run over to us! So this was really exciting!
She said, “Sisters, Sisters, are you Sister Mormon Missionaries? I’m a member.” She started talking to us and
we found out that she has been less active for a couple years since her baptism
a couple of years ago. She had moved in 9 months ago and really wants to go to
church. We found out that her husband is not a member and we asked if she would
be willing to have us come over to teach him. It was so cool because if we
hadn’t walked out of the member’s apartment at that specific time, she would
never have seen us and not have learned what time church was. So I think the
Lord puts us in places where we need to be but we have to be listening to the
Spirit to make sure we know where we need to be. Sometimes we’re going to be
somewhere and the Lord just knows, and you’re going to see miracles. That was
just a cool experience! Sadly she wasn’t
able to come to church today because she got food poisoning but next Sunday,
We got transfer calls Saturday night and I’m going to
PAWHUSKA, OKLAHOMA!!!!!!!!! With Sister Sampson!!!!!!! I am
so excited for the people I will meet and thrilled for this great experience! I will miss serving with Sister Jenkins and
all the amazing people here in Noble, but I know she and Sister Krause will
kill it in Noble and take good care of everyoneJ Change is
good, and it will help me to grow. Pawhuska is up near Kansas, between Clevland
and Bartlesville. It’s a reservation
where most of the Osage (part of the Sioux tribe)tribe live, and one of the big
ones in Oklahoma. My companion, Sister Sampson, is from the Navajo Tribe.
(Sarah didn’t leave a challenge in this letter, it got
deleted from her recorder, but we would like to issue one for her. Actually, it’s
more of a request, or plea. We ask each of you to remember Sarah in your
prayers, and specifically ask for her to be guided to those who have been
prepared for her to teach them. Pray for her to see miracles. Thanks.)
Love , Sister Walker
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