Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 65 - Climb a Hill You Need to Face

Hey Y'all!!! 

There was so much this week I don't even know where to start!! 

We are teaching a few new people!! And thats the exciting part!! 
They are also all amazing❤

We're the worst! ðŸ˜‚   Us and Whitney after climbing the hill.
But we did it!!!!
So remember Whitney?! Well We had quite the week with her. She has been struggling with a few things, and to make a long story short "When it rains, it pours!" and she didn't deserve it. It took some encouraging, good scripture reading, and climbing a literal hill, but she is back on track!!! Also she came to church Sunday and loved it!! In the process of getting her to church, she texted us and said "Sisters I am so tired, and I don't think I will be able to stay awake today" us, "Whitney! If you can climb a very steep hill, you can do anything! we have so much faith in you!"  Well, that motivated her, and she was there all 3 hours, then went home and slept :) We are so proud of her and love her alot!!!

We had a last second lesson with someone new we are teaching, her name is Alisa! She is a young mother, and is literally Joseph Smith!! Not really but she has been wondering why in each church she has been in, in Oklahoma has some things that make sense, but then nothing feels complete. We explained to her the Apostasy, and how there wasn't truth on the Earth for a long time. We testified of Joseph Smith and how he received an answer to his prayer to know truth. We told her that God would answer her prayers just as he did Joseph Smith, and she loved that!! That was a pretty powerful lesson!

Breanna says,
"The sisters are making me be
the only girl in Sunday School!"
Whitney's response,
"Oh well, they made me climb a hill!!"
Sister O and I have been biking like crazy Sisters, and have been teaching even more! Its been a great week, and we have for sure seen the miracles! 

Your Challenge this week is to climb a hill you need to face. Whitney did it! and it wasn't alone. I promise you that the Lord will be by your side when you face these hills. He won't be at the Bottom watching or at the Top cheering you on, but he will be walking with you cheering you on:) You can do it!! 

I love you all, and hope you have a great week!!!

Sister Walker 
"Its EXTROMLY Goooood!!"
(imagine in a thick Colombian accent:)

Sister Walker, Patrizzzz, Sister Ostergar

gotta start em young ❤

Bruce & Linda's front yard.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Week 64 - Slow Week but still an Adventure & Miracles

Hey y'all!! 

Happy Birthday Sister Lewis!!!!❤
❤ Love my sisters in Zion 
So...Not gonna lie its been a slow week, but there will always be weeks like that. But there is always adventure and miracles in a missionaries week...that is a fact!

In Oklahoma its always interesting with the weather. We were visiting Kelly (lady we are teaching) in her bookshop in town, and she kept getting severe weather alerts on her phone, well then the sky got super dark, and then she got a flood warning from lots of rain. Yes, it would be fun to bike in that, but smart, no....President Mansell texted us and said to use common sense but to have fun🙃  We went to get our truck thinking it was going to pour! But we think someone prayed cause the storm headed straight towards us and then split for a few miles to clear Pawhuska and then came back together to dump on Bartlesville. We were a little disappointed, but in the meantime we got to read Scriptures with Susie, and that went super well!! 

We have been biking like crazy sisters this week! In the rain and shine you will see us climbing the Pawhuska hills! We set up quite a few appointments this week, and are in the works of our new transfer goal! We want a river flowing with people to teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to. We are seeing miracles from members, so many referrals, and this is all because of the faith the branch has. We love them and the support they give to the work here in Pawhuska! I am so grateful to be serving here another 6 weeks!!

Your Challenge this week is to go out with the missionaries! Its honestly the greatest thing ever to have members come out with us. They need your witness and testimony of the Gospel. The spirit you bring is incredible, so share that light:) 
I love you all, and sorry for the short letter this week, but i hope y'alls week is AMAZING and miracle filled!

Alma 17:11 - You can be an instrument in the Lords hands to change the souls of many:) 

Love, Sister Walker

Oklahoma Specialty! 
Fried OKra...
our house smelt like grease for a week.

Sister O and her Kitties  ❤
But there are too many Cats here...


Louise's grandson rescued this pigeon!
He was smiling Ear to ear!
My new friend! Gator the Bulldog

This is Saffra Park Everyone! After 3 weeks and
 940 miles she landed in Pawhuska.
This amazing Woman biked, by herself 1000 miles total
from Colorado to Tulsa Oklahoma!
To stand Against Sexual assult.
Go check out her blog

Didn't catch a thing but I tore a worm in half
with my bare hands, and that was
 the nastiest thing of my life!


Dinner at Elder & Sister Titmus

Sister Titmus texted these pictures
She said, "Sister Walker's hair
is soooo frizzy in the humidity."

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 63 - Rain, Popped tires, Rain, and More Rain! I Love the Rain!!!

Hey Y'all!!!!!
We look on the weather app in the morning
to see what we would be walking in...
Sunny with 1% chance of rain:D
5 mins later the weather changes its mind☔

Our Week started out pretty fun!!  We went to see Whitney and she wasn't home, but the spirit prompted us strongly that we shouldn't leave. We actually got pretty worried for her and was trying to get a hold of her. After about 20 mins at her trailer she comes around the corner with her neighbor, Phyllis. We start talking and she invites us to sit on her porch where we see a few beer cans. Then we realize Phyllis had been drinking, and Whitney might've had a few, but she didn't pick up her can when we got there. I think this is why we needed to stay. She used to be a heavy drinker but went through AA and stopped. Well, Phyllis then proceeded to ask us a bunch of questions about literally all the gospel topics that make us different from other faiths. She didn't bash us, but they were great questions! Faith and works came up, and she said, "I just need to believe and God will still love me even when I drink."  We opened up James 2:17-26. We explained that yes He still loves us but he wants us to make an effort to follow him.  Also Faith without works is dead in that Scripture. We don't have to work our way into heaven, but the Lord has asked us to Follow his commandments. If we truly love Him we will strive to do just this. Well, She just kind of stopped talking and then changed the subject. The point of this is that we are so grateful we have been pushed to know the bible especially out here. It ended really great, and she said we could come back sometime and talk some more. The Spirit was pretty strong, and Whitney was listening to the whole thing. She even left to go get her Book of Mormon to read with us! We are excited to teach her more! 

Can you tell how much we love the rain!
Well the night didn't end right there either...Phyllis offered to take us home...uh we're ok haha😅 but about 2 seconds after leaving Whitney, Sister O's bike tire popped! This is the second time. It was pretty dark and getting close to curfew so we walked the mile pretty quick. Pawhuska is pretty sketch late at night, but it helps when you sing "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel,"  and have 3 bright lights on guiding the way, including the Spirit:) We got home safe and sound.

We love the rain!
Sister Ostergar & Walker
walking to Patriz's home
Breakfast with Patriz!
She is from Columbia and makes
Bomb empanadas!!
Sister O was in love ðŸ˜»

The next morning we went to have breakfast with a member. Her Name is Patrizzzz and she is hilarious!! She is from Columbia, and tells the best stories! She made us Empanadas for breakfast, and kept making them and making them, and after 5 I thought she was done, but nope! And did she eat, no she fed us and watched us the whole time😂 But I guess this is an Hermana's life as a missionary. 

Because we had no bike we walked everywhere that day. It was the best walking in the rain too! Its really misty here, and you get drenched, but we loved it! Better than the heat :D 
We taught the Plan of Salvation to a family this week, and they loved it! The 2 boys were pretty interested. We asked them why they loved their family, and the older one pointed to his little brother and said, "This is why."  He's the best:) Cutest moment ever! They loved the plan and can't wait to come back and teach them more!!

We continued to have tires pop, even in the process of the guy at the bike shop fixing one! Hopefully we can get her new bike soon:) 

Chalked the Plan of Salvation with Brea & Michele
Great things are happening in Pawhuska! I am staying another Transfer and finishing Sister Ostergar's training! I am excited cause I love her and this area. I never want to leave! 

Also Shout out to Sister Lewis!!! Her Birthday was Saturday!!

I just want to testify of how much I know we have a prophet on the Earth today, President Russel M. Nelson. We had a lesson on Neil L. Anderson's talk, "The Prophet of God" in Relief Society. It reconfirmed to me that he is called of God to lead and guide His church. I am grateful we have this watchman on the tower so we are kept protected and safe in this crazy world. 

Your Challenge this week is to study why its important to have works with our faith. Why we need to do anything to spiritually survive. I challenge you to make changes in your life as you strive to follow the Savior. Let me know what you study and find. 

I hope you all have such a great week!! LOVE YOU!!

 Sister Walker
Happy Birthday Michele!

Oklahoma clouds are so cool!!!

Painting with Sister Titmus at the Sooner Ranch!
We Love Painting

Its so beautiful here.

Sister Titmus texted this picture
"Bike Chain problem solved for
Sister Walker. Sister Ostergar has my bike.
Hers has a flat again."

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Week 62 - Tornado, Drunks, lil' Churches, and School Supplies

Hey y'all!! 

So its been a pretty crazy week. Tornado Warnings, Drunk calls, lil' churches, and School supplies, and lots of teaching was what it consisted of. I don't even know where to start!

I love the storms here!
On Monday we were done emailing and came home to make brownies and write letters when this out of no where storm rolled in after a completely clear day. Then a text came up on our phone from the APs. "Sisters just so you know there are tornado warnings in Ponca City and headed your way" ...our response... "SWEET! Thanks for the heads up!" Unfortunately there was nothing but extreme wind and lots of rain, but Sister O got to experience the thrill of a warning call, and me crazy, but storms are so fun to be in!!
We met this pretty awesome guy named Dinno that day after the storm. He has met with missionaries before cause when we knocked his trailer he was super excited to see us! We love meeting these people! We are going back to read "the word" with him this week sometime.

Sis. Titmus, Susie, Marelyn,
Sis. Walker & Ostergar
We had such a great lesson with Marelyn this week! She had a few concerns last week about families and the temple. We had a member there with us this time, and it was so perfect to have her there with us! Marelyn loved Sharon and she answered her questions so well! The spirit was definitely in that room. At the end we asked Marelyn, "We leave a commitment with you every week, what do you think you should do?" Her response was music to our ears! "Well we've been talking a lot about baptism, so I guess I will think more about it."  BAPTISM DATE COMING SOON!!! Just pray she will recognize her answer:) We are so excited for her!!

We got to go to the cutest, littlest church Saturday in NewKirk, OK. It sits 12 people (for the 12 disciples of Christ), and is out in the middle of no where. We went with one of our Senior couple service missionaries in the branch, the Titmus's, Marelyn and Susie. It was so much fun! It is in the middle of a cow pasture, and over looks the prettiest pond (see pics). Marilyn told us stories of her going here as a young girl to ponder about big decisions. We love her a lot!!

We had an interesting day Thursday. We first get a call the night before from someone we have been teaching. First of all, he called us drunk and then went off on an Okie rant. We were on the phone for an hour not knowing what to do. We felt too bad to hang up and interrupting him cause sister O and I just can't make decisions like that!  But the cool thing was he told us we have helped him alot with finding hope lately in his life. We are just hoping we will not remember this phone call😅

12 seats for the 12 disciples of Christ
So then it gets better and we make our visits on Thursday and have 2 people just spill their guts on us! I didn't know how good you have to be at listening on a mission. We felt like counselors the whole day, and just kept going by the Spirit and giving them the solution to turn to God in prayer, and their Savior for peace. It is emotionally and spiritually draining, but I am so grateful that I have a knowledge about the great Atonement of Jesus Christ. I just wish everyone would get how important this is, and that it's for them specifically. I just want to stand at the highest point in Oklahoma and shout it out loud! I know now that this is why we are here to share this testimony of our Savior's Atonement with everyone. We pray every day we will find someone that will accept it. 
We are teaching Whitney Walker right now! No we are not related, but we talked about it for a minute, promise haha:) She is so amazing!! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she was so excited to fill in the gaps to Gods plan for her. She is a light in our lives for sure❤

We were able to serve this weekend and earlier today at the Methodist church with several other people. We put together school supplies for the kids in Oklahoma. They have done this program for 15 yrs. and it blesses so many families that can't afford supplies for their kids. We were so tired after counting to 40, 100 times, but it was absolutely 100% worth it! 

Beautiful view from
the church in NewKirk
We had interviews this week and it is always everything I need to hear. I know for a fact the President Mansell is inspired by God to direct this mission. Its so crazy how well he knows each of his missionaries. I am grateful for the advice he gave me the other day. I have a testimony of the divine priesthood power that is on the Earth today. It has blessed my life and so many others. 

My Challenge for Y'all this week is to attend your church meetings and see what your leaders tell you. I know that God will tell you what you need to hear, and sometimes it's through other people. Even review notes and experiences you have had listening to the council of inspiried leaders called of God. Read talks by the Apostles and our Prophet President Nelson. I know they are called of God to lead and guide our generation. Then I want you to change or do something that they have asked. I promise that you will receive the promised blessings they promise if you do as they council. 

I hope you have such a great week!! 
Love you all!!!

Sister Walker

Sister Walker & Ostergar

Marilyn & Sister O

Views from the car

Sister Walker, Sampson & Lad Drummond
(This showed up on Facebook so mom had to add it)

Week 81 - "Never a Goodbye, Just a See ya Later"

Hey Y'all  See ya soon IdaHOME!!! I don't think it has hit me yet that I've been on a mission for 18 months. It's ev...