Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Week 62 - Tornado, Drunks, lil' Churches, and School Supplies

Hey y'all!! 

So its been a pretty crazy week. Tornado Warnings, Drunk calls, lil' churches, and School supplies, and lots of teaching was what it consisted of. I don't even know where to start!

I love the storms here!
On Monday we were done emailing and came home to make brownies and write letters when this out of no where storm rolled in after a completely clear day. Then a text came up on our phone from the APs. "Sisters just so you know there are tornado warnings in Ponca City and headed your way" ...our response... "SWEET! Thanks for the heads up!" Unfortunately there was nothing but extreme wind and lots of rain, but Sister O got to experience the thrill of a warning call, and me crazy, but storms are so fun to be in!!
We met this pretty awesome guy named Dinno that day after the storm. He has met with missionaries before cause when we knocked his trailer he was super excited to see us! We love meeting these people! We are going back to read "the word" with him this week sometime.

Sis. Titmus, Susie, Marelyn,
Sis. Walker & Ostergar
We had such a great lesson with Marelyn this week! She had a few concerns last week about families and the temple. We had a member there with us this time, and it was so perfect to have her there with us! Marelyn loved Sharon and she answered her questions so well! The spirit was definitely in that room. At the end we asked Marelyn, "We leave a commitment with you every week, what do you think you should do?" Her response was music to our ears! "Well we've been talking a lot about baptism, so I guess I will think more about it."  BAPTISM DATE COMING SOON!!! Just pray she will recognize her answer:) We are so excited for her!!

We got to go to the cutest, littlest church Saturday in NewKirk, OK. It sits 12 people (for the 12 disciples of Christ), and is out in the middle of no where. We went with one of our Senior couple service missionaries in the branch, the Titmus's, Marelyn and Susie. It was so much fun! It is in the middle of a cow pasture, and over looks the prettiest pond (see pics). Marilyn told us stories of her going here as a young girl to ponder about big decisions. We love her a lot!!

We had an interesting day Thursday. We first get a call the night before from someone we have been teaching. First of all, he called us drunk and then went off on an Okie rant. We were on the phone for an hour not knowing what to do. We felt too bad to hang up and interrupting him cause sister O and I just can't make decisions like that!  But the cool thing was he told us we have helped him alot with finding hope lately in his life. We are just hoping we will not remember this phone call😅

12 seats for the 12 disciples of Christ
So then it gets better and we make our visits on Thursday and have 2 people just spill their guts on us! I didn't know how good you have to be at listening on a mission. We felt like counselors the whole day, and just kept going by the Spirit and giving them the solution to turn to God in prayer, and their Savior for peace. It is emotionally and spiritually draining, but I am so grateful that I have a knowledge about the great Atonement of Jesus Christ. I just wish everyone would get how important this is, and that it's for them specifically. I just want to stand at the highest point in Oklahoma and shout it out loud! I know now that this is why we are here to share this testimony of our Savior's Atonement with everyone. We pray every day we will find someone that will accept it. 
We are teaching Whitney Walker right now! No we are not related, but we talked about it for a minute, promise haha:) She is so amazing!! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she was so excited to fill in the gaps to Gods plan for her. She is a light in our lives for sure❤

We were able to serve this weekend and earlier today at the Methodist church with several other people. We put together school supplies for the kids in Oklahoma. They have done this program for 15 yrs. and it blesses so many families that can't afford supplies for their kids. We were so tired after counting to 40, 100 times, but it was absolutely 100% worth it! 

Beautiful view from
the church in NewKirk
We had interviews this week and it is always everything I need to hear. I know for a fact the President Mansell is inspired by God to direct this mission. Its so crazy how well he knows each of his missionaries. I am grateful for the advice he gave me the other day. I have a testimony of the divine priesthood power that is on the Earth today. It has blessed my life and so many others. 

My Challenge for Y'all this week is to attend your church meetings and see what your leaders tell you. I know that God will tell you what you need to hear, and sometimes it's through other people. Even review notes and experiences you have had listening to the council of inspiried leaders called of God. Read talks by the Apostles and our Prophet President Nelson. I know they are called of God to lead and guide our generation. Then I want you to change or do something that they have asked. I promise that you will receive the promised blessings they promise if you do as they council. 

I hope you have such a great week!! 
Love you all!!!

Sister Walker

Sister Walker & Ostergar

Marilyn & Sister O

Views from the car

Sister Walker, Sampson & Lad Drummond
(This showed up on Facebook so mom had to add it)

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