Tuesday, July 18, 2017

OKC - Week 7 Member Missionaries

Hey All You Wonderful People!!

Dinner at members home
This week has been So Great!!! So many things have happened, and Sister K and I have Finally Figured our area out!!! The Lord has been guiding us to this point, and we are so grateful for the Spirit that has helped us so much over the past few weeks! We are excited to keep up the progress!!

We have decided that all of our lessons need to have a member at them. Even Visits! This has been especially great because some of these members have served missions, and having them there brings a special Spirit. The OKC 7th Ward is all about Member Missionary Work! We are trying different ways to get everyone pumped up about it. We had a few dinners this week, and after, we had the sisters come out with us and visit less actives, investigators, and even the sisters they visit teach. I didn't realize how willing these members would be to do this! All we had to do was ask. 

Sister Walker & Sister K
So This coming week we are doing a bike week! This means that our car is grounded for 7 days (unless where we need to be is 5 miles or more away from us). So we bike! Woo hoo!! Or get rides from the members! I am so excited because this means we get to meet alot of the members of the ward we haven't met yet. I was so surprised when our Ward mission leader posted our challenge on FB. We got so many members willing to help us out! I can't wait!! Last night an RM sister in the ward came out with us. The investigator we had planned to see wasn't home, so we stopped by a less active's home. This guy isn't a member, but his wife is. The missionaries have talked with him before, and all he likes to do is have the missionaries answer his questions. They are mostly small details about Joseph Smith's life, and a few I have never heard before. He wants to know the truth in every detail of the gospel, and a few things that could be considered irrelevant. But we needed this sister with us because she helped us be bold with him. Loving, but confident. She gave us some really good feedback that we will definitely use again! We meet with him again next week, and we are praying is heart will be softened. 

Building trust is key out here. We went to visit a Less active member family. And we met first with the mom and a few of her kids. When her husband got home...well he looked a little annoyed to see us...his exact words, "What do you want!?" We just laughed, and couldn't get anything clever out, cause he proceeded to tell us that he had seen us and met with the elders before, and he wasn't coming back to church. Well we just talked with him. He talked (argued) for a bit, and we listened mostly, but by the end he started warming up to us. He has some issues with the people in the church, and claims his church is fishing. Oh and he'll tell you all about it. He is such a funny dude! By the end Sis. K challenged him to have us come back over, and we do a role play of a lesson. Oh and did he accept! after a bit of convincing. He said that we better be prepared...haha :) That's happening tonight, so wish us luck! 

We did a practice bike day yesterday, and it was 109 degrees!! It was HOT. This whole week was up there in the 3 digits, but boy we got a lot of water bottles from tracting! (see pic below). People out hear might not listen all the time, but they will turn right around and give you water. They are so nice! And sometimes it allows us to talk to them longer, which is always good! 

Turtles are everywhere here.
This is for you Spencer
We went to the Zoo this past P-day. It was a blast!!! Sister K got a picture next to her spirit animal, we saw in action a snake eating it's dinner, and we saw the cutest baby sea lion! Our Zone is hilarious, and I'm sure everyone there was wondering why a bunch of LDS missionaries were at the zoo, haha, we are a crazy group. We even got to teach the gospel! No way! We must be missionaraies or something. This guy asked us a bunch of questions about the church. He lives in Texas, but is willing to read the Book of Mormon Sister Sampson gave him, and find missionaries in his area. We are hoping he follows through! 

One big thing I have learned this week is that when we go up to a door, we can't be scared in the least bit. We have to remember the real reason we are serving this mission. It is all about the Lord, and bringing his children back to him, and unto Christ. We might fear rejection, or the fact that it may be awkward, but we have to get over that, and approach people as representatives of our Savior Jesus Christ. The worst thing they can do is tell us no. 

Your challenge this week is to overcome a fear you have been facing. And do this by asking the Lord to strengthen you. Pray and read the Scriptures! This is the ultimate source to overcoming anything. You've got this! 
Thank you again for your prayers and so much support! I Love you all!! Have a Wonderful week!

Sister Walker 
Hermana Pulsipher!!!!

Oh one more thing.  My cousin, Aubrey Pulsipher, got her mission call to... Oklahoma, Oklahoma City Spanish speaking.  WHAT?!!! The same mission?!!!  AWESOME!!!  I can't wait to see you in OKC, the best mission!

MTC Sisters together again

New Missionary Training Conference

Pres. & Sis. Mansell & Sister Walker

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