Tuesday, July 25, 2017

OKC - Week 8 Hard Things Only Lead To Miracles!!

Hard Things Only Lead To Miracles!!

Hey Family and Friends!!!!

Rocking the helmet look!
So we had our bike week this week, and oh my goodness was it inspired!! We saw so many miracles from it!  We can do hard things!! 

So first, there's our investigator who has been dealing with cancer. She has a baptism date!!!!!!! We were on exchanges that day, so Sister K was in Mustang, OK, and I stayed here and sister Nicoll was my companion. She is so great!!! Anyways, we were in the lesson and teaching her the Plan of Salvation. First of all she loved the Spirit World, and thought it was so cool that those who never get to hear the gospel can learn and have a chance to accept it. I think this is amazing too. Our Father in Heaven truly does love us enough to give all a chance to come unto Him. The Spirit was so strong in the room, and I was getting this overwhelming feeling to ask her THE "ultimate Question". Well little did I know sister Nicoll was having the same thoughts! So I asked her, and we both explained the importance of following Jesus Christ. She said she wants to come to church a few times first, and then she said YES!!! Her Date is August 26th, and we are so excited for her!!!!! She is a miracle!! 
Sister Nicoll and Sister Walker

Exchanges were a lot of fun last Tuesday, and I got the chance to learn some more incredible missionary tips, and I have, from that one day, grown so much. We walked around this one neighborhood for 4 hours trying to find people, and knocking the doors we were inspired to approach. A few people said they were members at one point, but didn't like going to church anymore, or found another church. That's pretty common out here. We had some awesome discussions with them though! One man as we walked away from the door was trying to keep his dogs in from chasing us. Thank you! The he started yelling, "We Don't Eat The Mormon's, We only Eat The Catholics!" Nothing against Catholics promise:) It was just so abrupt and we started laughing so hard :D 

First time in the car since bike week!
Yes, we're smiling:)
JK I actually like biking and walking more!
We also had a prompting that didn't make sense in the moment, but when we turned around it all came together. We were prompted to go up to this home that clearly no one was even there. Sure enough no one was there, but when we turned around to leave we saw 2 teenage boys walking down the street towards us. They were cousins just coming back from the pool, and they looked a little confused when we stopped them, as do most people.  But we shared about Joseph Smith and they both thought that was a pretty "cool" story. We got their numbers, and names and hopefully we will be able to teach them more!!

This little guy snuck into the apartment and
decided  to make my bike his home.
Yesterday we got to go on some visits with a member, and one of the less actives we saw hadn't been to church in several years. He said that once their son left for college they thought they would just relax, and wanted their Sunday's as a time to spend together.  He told us that when he did attend church his favorite calling was to teach the Sunbeams!! It was so cute!  The sister that was with us happened to be a primary teacher too, so they both had a really good conversation about how special these kids are. She told him that she would be calling him if she ever needed someone to teach her class. He said maybe, but I think this is just the thing to soften his heart, and I think he's more willing than what he sounded to be. Also side note, the Primary Program is coming up and we invited him to come to that too! Every single member we go out with connects so well with the people we visit with! That is The Lord working miracles!

So this week has been quite a week of amazing experiences and miracles, and it took us getting on our bikes and being seen. We talked to so many people, and got a few return appointments! It might've been hot in the moment, but in the long run it was the greatest thing we as missionaries could have done to help bring about the work. 

So your challenge this week or one of the days this week is to put your car keys away, and be outside. Talk to people as you walk or bike places, smile at everyone, and Serve! I promise you will see yourself and others having an awesome day!! In 2 Nephi 3: 24 it talks about how you can be an instrument in the Lords hands in word and deed. With faith he will guide you to the people who need uplifting, and you will be fulfilling this amazing work on the Earth:) I love you all and Thank you so much for your support and prayers!!!!

Sister Walker 

Silhouette Moment!!<3

The sunset last night!!! So beautiful!

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