Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Week 78 - Thanksgiving & Testimonies

Hey Y'all!

Hope Y'all had a Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love, Sister Walker and Geddes <3 
I hope you had a Turkey, family and gratitude filled Thanksgiving! We did :D turkey filled especially! We were invited to 2 dinners and 2 homes for dessert and one of them turned into another dinner! We were rollin' out of the last one for sure 🙃 we were so grateful for the families that had us over. They just adopted us in and made us feel like we were with our own:)

We had Zone Conference this week, and you know those times when you feel the spirit so strong and can't describe it?

My testimony grew so much in one day about the power of our Savior,  Jesus Christ's Atonement and the Book of Mormon. We watched a powerful video with the testimonies of Elder Holland and President Eyring and their witness of their Lord and Savior's sacrifice for them. I had a glimpse on how the Lord had impacted my life over the last several months, and how I have come to know and love Him. He is my Savior and Redeemer and he has allowed me and all of us to grow, learn, change, and become more converted to Him and His Gospel. If there wasn't this chance in this life, we would not find hope or peace anywhere. He is the Prince of Peace, and the Shepherd who will go out and find us one by one to bring us home. I love Him with all of my heart, and don't have enough words to thank Him for all He has done for me.

My comp & I <3
President Mansell gave us an inspired training about how the Book of Mormon is being attacked in these last days, and how we cannot be fooled by the cunning, and deceptive words of the world. He showed us a prime example of one that has blown up on social media, The CES letter. It broke our hearts as we heard the arguments of this letter against the Book of Mormon. To be honest, sadly some of it may sound (without any further research of facts) convincing. But isn't that how Satan works? He is cunning, deceptive, he is flattering with words, and he rejoices in those who attack a book that has changed Billions of people Worldwide. However, the one point that our Mission President stresses to us is that the man who wrote this, and many others who try and prove the Book of Mormon wrong, have their hearts and minds Closed to the Spirit. The one thing that Satan tries to get us to ignore is the Spirit and the positive power and influence it has in us.  When I read the Book of Mormon I am not uplifted by the facts of how, when, and where it came from. This may draw on my interest from time to time, but I am more so paying attention to the spiritual feelings I have when I read these beautiful doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how many people in this book changed their lives to come closer to their Savior. The Anti-Nephi Lehi's did just this as they laid down  their weapons of war and buried them deep in the Earth to turn their Hearts more fully to the Lord. They sacrificed so much to show the Lord their love for Him. The true experiences of many Prophets, like Abinadi, and missionaries like Ammon have strengthened my testimony of the Savior. 
#LightTheWorld Y'all!! 

Sister Geddes and I were talking last night about just this, and we thought; a regular book written by just anyone can inspire people for sure, but a unique and rare book such as the Book of Mormon can and has literally changed billions and have brought each of them, who will open their hearts to the Spirit, closer to their Savior. Moroni was not just suggesting that we pray about the words in this book, He was making a Bold declaration of what would happen if we would read and ponder these words in out hearts (Moroni 10: 3-5). We will know it's true, and that a book this powerful could not have been simply made up and written by a man named Joseph Smith, it was translated by him by the Power of God. There is no other way.

I know this book is true, and I know Joseph Smith was the prophet called by God to translate the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon has guided decisions in my life, brought me hope, and ultimately has helped me feel the love my Savior has for me and all of His Father's Children. If you haven't read the Book of Mormon, I challenge you to read it, and pray as Moroni asks us in Moroni 10: 3-5 to know if this book is true. Pay attention to the way you feel when you read it because most of the time the spirit speaks to us in simple ways, such as a good feeling. You may have "aha" moments, but however you feel it, I can promise you will come to know it is true.

For those of you who have read it. Read it again and apply Moroni's Promise. 

I love this small part to our prophet, President Russel M. Nelson's testimony of the Book of Mormon. He states;
"I testify that Joseph Smith was and is the prophet of this last dispensation. It was he who, through the gift and power of God, translated this holy book. This is the book that will help to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord.
I testify that Jesus Christ is the literal and living Son of our living God. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our great Exemplar, and our Advocate with the Father. He was the promised Messiah, the mortal Messiah, and will be the millennial Messiah. I testify with my whole soul that in a most miraculous and singular way, the Book of Mormon teaches us of Jesus Christ and His gospel." 

The full talk is incredible, I encourage you to read it (see link:)

I love y'all and hope you have a great week! 😊
 Sister Walker 

The Book of Mormon: What Would Your Life Be Like Without It?
By: President Russel M. Nelson 


We got cake boxes in
Zone Conference from
 Sister Mansells training to show
us how we need to have a
chemical change in our lives t
hat can't turn back
into its previous self:)

We both have a sweet tooth
 which is not good...! 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 77 - Most Eventful Week - Casinos, "Ghost Riders," & Front Yard BBQ's

Hey Y'all!

This has been the most eventful week of our lives!! Scheduling appointments, then rescheduling cause we already have an appointment at that time! We were running around like headless chickens🐓
But any good week always starts with the weather.  y'all Fall is over after 2 weeks, and 18 degrees (feels like 3) is the new norm! BRING IT Oklahoma!!

We had our ward Thanksgiving dinner and it was so awesome to see so many people there!! Lots to talk to! We are telling you Food does the trick.

I love this sister so much!!
Sister Walker & Sister Geddes
Have you ever eaten at a Casino, cause they have great food! But just go for the food😁 We are teaching our favorite 89 yr. old friend Oscar, and the other day he asked us if he could take us to his favorite place to eat...it was quite the experience! The whole dinner He kept telling us how gambling is the dumbest thing you could do. 
We saw a family who actually has a slot machine in their home (that you can never win on) to teach their kids to never gamble. They lose their allowance every time and get so mad every time! Point made. But not recommended personally :)

Yesterday we got to listen to the whole song of "Ghost Riders In The Sky"...in sacrament meeting...it about made Bishop have a heart attack. His facial expressions the whole 7 minutes were priceless😅 
The speaker gave a great talk on Personal revelation but not sure how the song related. But it was pretty funny to see everyone's reactions to it! A few sang along, some left the room, lots just started messing on their phones in embarrassment, and many just laughed!  By far the weirdest meeting we've ever been in!

Rebecca and Jim our little friends <3 
after a long day...
Miracle!! We were knocking doors Friday and we met Terry. He had just woken up so he was half asleep when he opened the door. But he said we could come back!! We went the next day to find him BBQing in his front yard (Oklahoma thing). We pull up on our bikes and start talking to him, little did we know he was in the middle of a Face Book live video, which he quickly made us apart of...!  He said something like, "everyone want to know the word! What do you Ladies have to say?!" Talk about the nerves when he told us half his FB friends were watching...! But we just ended up asking him about his story about coming closer to Christ, and testified of our Savior. He recently has turned to Christ after years of hopelessness, and a rough life. It was pretty cool to hear his story! After he Finally turned off the video, haha, we really got to know him, and asked if we could come back to teach him and his family about the Plan of Salvation. We are scheduled to see them after Thanksgiving!!! We are so excited!! Also...maybe someone was listening to that video who needed to hear what was said! We only hope:)

We are teaching someone named Kimberly right now, and she is so excited about the gems she is finding in the Book of Mormon! She loves how it has helped her know her Savior better. She is praying to know if it's true this week, and we are excited to meet with her Wednesday!!

We have been seeing so many new people, and its incredible to hear their stories, and see why God put them in our path. a few have even requested Bibles and Book of Mormons online, and Stella and Ray were found yesterday from this!
During District Council this week I was asked to give a training on Elder Cook and President Oaks talks this last conference. I loved reading them again and again, finding so many invitations and promised blessings the Lord wants to give us. I love the reason Elder Cook gives for the 2 hour change in our meetings Sunday. It is ultimately for our personal conversion. A lot of this happens mostly in our own homes! I also loved how President Oak's talk reminded us that when we use the 4 spiritual resources in our lives, each of our concerns or questions will be answered. Secular and scientific proofs only limit our learning in the gospel. Scripture study, prayer, the Holy Ghost, and the words of Modern day prophets allow us to receive so much spiritual knowledge that can help us have an eternal perspective in life. I challenge you this week to read these 2 talks and highlight the Doctrine given, the invitations given, and then the promise blessings given if we heed these inspired councils. It's called the DIP principle :) 

I hope you will see how much modern day revelation is aiding us in these last days. I know we have prophets, seers and revelations on the Earth today to lead and guide us through the darkening world around us. I know that if we heed their council from the Lord, we will see many blessings come our way.
I hope y'all have a great week!! 

Love ya!

Sister Walker

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 76 - Many Lessons Learned

Hey Y'all!!

One last Hurrah with this beautiful comp :)
Transfers were this week, and although I was so sad to see Sister Gwynn leave:( I was so excited to pick up my new companion, Sister Geddes!! Also Sister Gywnn went to one of the greatest areas, Pawhuska, so at least I know she is having an amazing time up there😊 

If you have ever met a sweeter soul, it would be my companion. After 5 days with her in Anadarko, I am so excited for this transfer!! She is from La(silent t)en Utah, and just served in Chickasha, OK. I love her alot! 

It's been a little crazy taking over the area, and we think it's the weather...Oklahoma is unpredictable. It got super cold and everyone has locked themselves inside and won't answer the door. We've been going crazy!! But us missionaries, crazy is our middle name and we can take it.👊

Sister Geddes!!!
Did Y'all know there are such things as Cowboy Churches????
Over the last few days, like getting used to any change, we have been trying to adjust to the area and our new companionship. I am although very grateful for the very patient and loving Sister Geddes:) We have come up with new goals to make this transfer awesome!! I personally want to work on seeking God's will for me and his children and Sister Geddes is working on learning to recognize the Spirit. Both of these goals go hand in hand, and we talked a lot about them last night. It got us thinking that when we look at things with an eternal perspective, those promptings we receive daily are because the Lord knows what's the very best for his children and their future. He knows exactly what we need. I have had times in my life where I have ignored a prompting, or disregarded a thought as "nothing important".  I wish I could go back and follow those thoughts and promptings. I will never know what could've happened if I would've listened. However, today's today and I have come to understand the importance of listening. I am not perfect whatsoever, but I can now go forward with open ears and an open heart to the Spirit, willing to follow what is impressed upon my mind. I can think of numerous times where my companion and I listened to that good thought (yes it can be as simple as a good thought), and now we are teaching prepared children of God ready to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sister Gwynn and I kept having the impression to go see a sister. Sister Gwynn was so good at following the Spirit and taught me a lot. We would always go and visit her, and for a whole week everyday we saw her, read the scriptures, and prayed that she would have comfort and turn to her Savior. It seemed so repetitive, and I wondered if she ever got annoyed. Later she told us that each time we would text her or show up at her door she needed the Spirit back in her home in that very moment. In those very moments she was in need of comfort, God was very aware of her. God's will might not make sense to us. It might seem unreasonable, impractical, scary, dumb, repetitive, or out of the ordinary, but God knows what is needed. 

We had stake Conference this weekend, and it was so so good! It was focused on ministering. These were a few thoughts I jotted down:)

1) "Don't forsake your testimony to please someone"

Hi Mom & Dad!
Facebook post of transfer day by Pres. & Sis. Mansell
Love these posts:)
- This one got me a bit. How many times have we failed to testify of the Book of Mormon or of our love for the Savior and his Atonement because we worry that our friend or acquaintance will be offended or think you are being too pushy. I have done it so many times! I have been reminded that your testimony is one of the most powerful things we possess on this Earth. It's life changing, and can impact so many people if you let it. This ministering  sister explained that she bore testimony of the Book of Mormon to a less active sister even though she was told she didn't believe in "that book" anymore. Regardless this ministering sister still testified and that less active sister was eternally impacted by her courageous words. 

2) We can only see a small part of our lives now, but God can see a bigger picture. 

- We need to trust in Him. He can see the future we cannot. It might be scary to not know, it might hurt at first, but with an eternal perspective it will all be worth it. God will not let us be miserable in the end if we don't allow ourselves to be. 

Anyways I feel like I just went on forever haha. But I truly know these things are true. I hope you all will apply them to your lives and I will apply it to mine here in Oklahoma:) 

I love y'all lots and hope you have a great week!!

Sister Walker 

The Poolaws!!
The Buckners!! Bishops Family and Sister Gwynn

Sister Gywnn will be missed 💙
I always get so excited to see this
cuz of mine at transfers!!
 Hermana Pulsipher ❤❤❤
Sister Hansens last day.
we will miss her being our STL!

Sister Weldon and Me!
Sad her mission is up,
but excited for her new adventure!!💟

Us Tall sisters need to stick together🤞

Me and my Singing Sista🎶

My Street!

 Haley Underwood. She's just a cutie,
even as a turkey ❤

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Week 75 - Seek, Listen, and Act

Hey Y'all!! 

Seriously going to miss her❤❤❤❤
It's been such a great week so far! Halloween was an all day P-day and it was so much fun! We spent time with a member Sister Bish and Summer, the Sweetest sister we are teaching! The people in Oklahoma are my favorite❤
Also we got transfer calls last night. I'm staying in Anadarko and I'm getting sister Geddes!! I've only met her once but she is the sweetest:) However I am going to miss the Heck out of sister Gwynn!! She has taught me a lot over 6 weeks and I know she will miss this place. The craziest thing though is that she is headed to.......PAWHUSKA!!!!!!  She gets to serve in my old area that I love so so much!! She is the luckiest sister in the Mission!!! I have complete faith she is going to change lives over there😊

Aaron & his wife, Ralfina
Thursday was the most incredible day!! AARON GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!! As he made that special promise with God, and received the gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday you could see an amazing change in his countenance. This day has changed his and his little families life forever. He already asked us what he needs to do to go to baptisms at the temple!! We are so excited for him and his family to one day be sealed together. That will be something we don't miss:)

We met with Tah wee this week (please pray we can get him to come to church this week. He doesn't know it yet, but it will change his life:)
Kerry (we met street contacting. She met with missionaries in Lawton 6 years ago, and then they disappeared, but we found her and we are so excited to teach her!!)  And here is the miracle! So we were on exchanges in Lawton a few weeks ago. Sister J and I had been biking for a few hours and didn't feel right about any neighborhood to go tract. We got to the end of their area and of course we had to decide to either go straight or turn left towards the church. In the middle of traffic we prayed for direction and we both felt promoted to keep going up hill to the neighborhood ahead. We went into the neighborhood and made quite a few lefts and rights, and then the last right we saw a grandma playing with her 2 cute granddaughters outside. Sister J. And I both looked at each other in sync and smiled. We met Josey that day and her two cute grandkids. Come to find out she lives in Elgin in our area, and when the sisters in Lawton went back a few days ago they mentioned to her about the plan of salvation. After the lesson she asked the sisters if they could come back again and finish teaching her about this plan!! They called us and we are so excited to go see her!! My whole attitude changed that day about hills and biking cause it's not about that. It's about the Savior, his work, and spreading it to all of God's Children😊 
(Sis. Walker, Bro. Silverhorn, Aaron, Sis. Gwynn)

I learned a valuable principle as well. First, we need to seek for guidance, then most importantly listen. Listen so carefully for the prompting of the Holy Ghost. Its different for everyone how you will receive your answer. It might just make sense, or it might be a voice. For both of us it was every time we looked up the hill we felt a warm urging feeling to keep going. 
Oh and then step 3 is to act. No Second thoughts guys! If the Spirit is prompting you, keep going, and you will know why you took that path. It may be a few days, weeks, years down the road, or never, but something will come out of it because you sought, listened, and acted. That's your challenge this week is to apply those 3 steps. I can promise it will change your life and allow you to see that God knows and loves you, and has a plan for you and each of his children.
Anyways I hope Y'all have such a great week!! Love y'all a lot!! See miracles!!

Sister Walker 

              Christmas wish list lol

Halloween party with Sister Bish!! 
They made your face HUGE...😎

This is what our Halloween consisted of...
face masks, food, dad's chocolate chip cookies,
and more food 😋

Us and Altus area. I love these sisters!! (Secratin and Cronin)

The Zone! 

This describes my comp to a T.
I'm gonna miss her so much!!❤

Sister Gwynn used to work at Kathy Kay! us and Kaden Charles

ITS FALL Y'ALL!!!  Finally

Cotton Fields in OK!!

Week 81 - "Never a Goodbye, Just a See ya Later"

Hey Y'all  See ya soon IdaHOME!!! I don't think it has hit me yet that I've been on a mission for 18 months. It's ev...