Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 77 - Most Eventful Week - Casinos, "Ghost Riders," & Front Yard BBQ's

Hey Y'all!

This has been the most eventful week of our lives!! Scheduling appointments, then rescheduling cause we already have an appointment at that time! We were running around like headless chickens🐓
But any good week always starts with the weather.  y'all Fall is over after 2 weeks, and 18 degrees (feels like 3) is the new norm! BRING IT Oklahoma!!

We had our ward Thanksgiving dinner and it was so awesome to see so many people there!! Lots to talk to! We are telling you Food does the trick.

I love this sister so much!!
Sister Walker & Sister Geddes
Have you ever eaten at a Casino, cause they have great food! But just go for the food😁 We are teaching our favorite 89 yr. old friend Oscar, and the other day he asked us if he could take us to his favorite place to eat...it was quite the experience! The whole dinner He kept telling us how gambling is the dumbest thing you could do. 
We saw a family who actually has a slot machine in their home (that you can never win on) to teach their kids to never gamble. They lose their allowance every time and get so mad every time! Point made. But not recommended personally :)

Yesterday we got to listen to the whole song of "Ghost Riders In The Sky"...in sacrament meeting...it about made Bishop have a heart attack. His facial expressions the whole 7 minutes were priceless😅 
The speaker gave a great talk on Personal revelation but not sure how the song related. But it was pretty funny to see everyone's reactions to it! A few sang along, some left the room, lots just started messing on their phones in embarrassment, and many just laughed!  By far the weirdest meeting we've ever been in!

Rebecca and Jim our little friends <3 
after a long day...
Miracle!! We were knocking doors Friday and we met Terry. He had just woken up so he was half asleep when he opened the door. But he said we could come back!! We went the next day to find him BBQing in his front yard (Oklahoma thing). We pull up on our bikes and start talking to him, little did we know he was in the middle of a Face Book live video, which he quickly made us apart of...!  He said something like, "everyone want to know the word! What do you Ladies have to say?!" Talk about the nerves when he told us half his FB friends were watching...! But we just ended up asking him about his story about coming closer to Christ, and testified of our Savior. He recently has turned to Christ after years of hopelessness, and a rough life. It was pretty cool to hear his story! After he Finally turned off the video, haha, we really got to know him, and asked if we could come back to teach him and his family about the Plan of Salvation. We are scheduled to see them after Thanksgiving!!! We are so excited!! Also...maybe someone was listening to that video who needed to hear what was said! We only hope:)

We are teaching someone named Kimberly right now, and she is so excited about the gems she is finding in the Book of Mormon! She loves how it has helped her know her Savior better. She is praying to know if it's true this week, and we are excited to meet with her Wednesday!!

We have been seeing so many new people, and its incredible to hear their stories, and see why God put them in our path. a few have even requested Bibles and Book of Mormons online, and Stella and Ray were found yesterday from this!
During District Council this week I was asked to give a training on Elder Cook and President Oaks talks this last conference. I loved reading them again and again, finding so many invitations and promised blessings the Lord wants to give us. I love the reason Elder Cook gives for the 2 hour change in our meetings Sunday. It is ultimately for our personal conversion. A lot of this happens mostly in our own homes! I also loved how President Oak's talk reminded us that when we use the 4 spiritual resources in our lives, each of our concerns or questions will be answered. Secular and scientific proofs only limit our learning in the gospel. Scripture study, prayer, the Holy Ghost, and the words of Modern day prophets allow us to receive so much spiritual knowledge that can help us have an eternal perspective in life. I challenge you this week to read these 2 talks and highlight the Doctrine given, the invitations given, and then the promise blessings given if we heed these inspired councils. It's called the DIP principle :) 

I hope you will see how much modern day revelation is aiding us in these last days. I know we have prophets, seers and revelations on the Earth today to lead and guide us through the darkening world around us. I know that if we heed their council from the Lord, we will see many blessings come our way.
I hope y'all have a great week!! 

Love ya!

Sister Walker

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