Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Week 76 - Many Lessons Learned

Hey Y'all!!

One last Hurrah with this beautiful comp :)
Transfers were this week, and although I was so sad to see Sister Gwynn leave:( I was so excited to pick up my new companion, Sister Geddes!! Also Sister Gywnn went to one of the greatest areas, Pawhuska, so at least I know she is having an amazing time up there😊 

If you have ever met a sweeter soul, it would be my companion. After 5 days with her in Anadarko, I am so excited for this transfer!! She is from La(silent t)en Utah, and just served in Chickasha, OK. I love her alot! 

It's been a little crazy taking over the area, and we think it's the weather...Oklahoma is unpredictable. It got super cold and everyone has locked themselves inside and won't answer the door. We've been going crazy!! But us missionaries, crazy is our middle name and we can take it.👊

Sister Geddes!!!
Did Y'all know there are such things as Cowboy Churches????
Over the last few days, like getting used to any change, we have been trying to adjust to the area and our new companionship. I am although very grateful for the very patient and loving Sister Geddes:) We have come up with new goals to make this transfer awesome!! I personally want to work on seeking God's will for me and his children and Sister Geddes is working on learning to recognize the Spirit. Both of these goals go hand in hand, and we talked a lot about them last night. It got us thinking that when we look at things with an eternal perspective, those promptings we receive daily are because the Lord knows what's the very best for his children and their future. He knows exactly what we need. I have had times in my life where I have ignored a prompting, or disregarded a thought as "nothing important".  I wish I could go back and follow those thoughts and promptings. I will never know what could've happened if I would've listened. However, today's today and I have come to understand the importance of listening. I am not perfect whatsoever, but I can now go forward with open ears and an open heart to the Spirit, willing to follow what is impressed upon my mind. I can think of numerous times where my companion and I listened to that good thought (yes it can be as simple as a good thought), and now we are teaching prepared children of God ready to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sister Gwynn and I kept having the impression to go see a sister. Sister Gwynn was so good at following the Spirit and taught me a lot. We would always go and visit her, and for a whole week everyday we saw her, read the scriptures, and prayed that she would have comfort and turn to her Savior. It seemed so repetitive, and I wondered if she ever got annoyed. Later she told us that each time we would text her or show up at her door she needed the Spirit back in her home in that very moment. In those very moments she was in need of comfort, God was very aware of her. God's will might not make sense to us. It might seem unreasonable, impractical, scary, dumb, repetitive, or out of the ordinary, but God knows what is needed. 

We had stake Conference this weekend, and it was so so good! It was focused on ministering. These were a few thoughts I jotted down:)

1) "Don't forsake your testimony to please someone"

Hi Mom & Dad!
Facebook post of transfer day by Pres. & Sis. Mansell
Love these posts:)
- This one got me a bit. How many times have we failed to testify of the Book of Mormon or of our love for the Savior and his Atonement because we worry that our friend or acquaintance will be offended or think you are being too pushy. I have done it so many times! I have been reminded that your testimony is one of the most powerful things we possess on this Earth. It's life changing, and can impact so many people if you let it. This ministering  sister explained that she bore testimony of the Book of Mormon to a less active sister even though she was told she didn't believe in "that book" anymore. Regardless this ministering sister still testified and that less active sister was eternally impacted by her courageous words. 

2) We can only see a small part of our lives now, but God can see a bigger picture. 

- We need to trust in Him. He can see the future we cannot. It might be scary to not know, it might hurt at first, but with an eternal perspective it will all be worth it. God will not let us be miserable in the end if we don't allow ourselves to be. 

Anyways I feel like I just went on forever haha. But I truly know these things are true. I hope you all will apply them to your lives and I will apply it to mine here in Oklahoma:) 

I love y'all lots and hope you have a great week!!

Sister Walker 

The Poolaws!!
The Buckners!! Bishops Family and Sister Gwynn

Sister Gywnn will be missed ðŸ’™
I always get so excited to see this
cuz of mine at transfers!!
 Hermana Pulsipher ❤❤❤
Sister Hansens last day.
we will miss her being our STL!

Sister Weldon and Me!
Sad her mission is up,
but excited for her new adventure!!💟

Us Tall sisters need to stick together🤞

Me and my Singing Sista🎶

My Street!

 Haley Underwood. She's just a cutie,
even as a turkey ❤

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